How to cancel my PRO plan
If you have decided to cancel your Modular PRO plan, which we are sorry to hear about, here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it.
Go to "Plan & Billing" from the side menu in the control panel of your Modular account.
Under "Plan & Billing", look for the "Current Plan" section and in the 3 dots to the right of your plan, click on unsubscribe.
If you have contracted extra storage plans for your backups, you must first cancel those subscriptions, as they can only be active while you have a PRO plan.
Please note that your subscription(s) will continue to be active until the end of the current billing cycle that has already been paid. This means that you will continue to enjoy the benefits of your plan until the contracted end date.
Review: We recommend that you review any settings or data stored in your account that you wish to save before proceeding with cancellation. At the time your subscription ends you will no longer have access to PRO features and the new web limit on your FREE account may cause many of your sites to be disconnected.
Feedback: Even if you are thinking about leaving our PRO plan, we would love to hear your opinion or the reasons behind your decision. Your feedback is very important to us and helps us to improve. So we would greatly appreciate if you could send us an email to to explain your reasons for leaving and if there is anything we can do to change your mind.
Go to "Plan & Billing" from the side menu in the control panel of your Modular account.
Under "Plan & Billing", look for the "Current Plan" section and in the 3 dots to the right of your plan, click on unsubscribe.
Do you have extra GB plans?
If you have contracted extra storage plans for your backups, you must first cancel those subscriptions, as they can only be active while you have a PRO plan.
Completion of the billing cycle
Please note that your subscription(s) will continue to be active until the end of the current billing cycle that has already been paid. This means that you will continue to enjoy the benefits of your plan until the contracted end date.
Important considerations
Review: We recommend that you review any settings or data stored in your account that you wish to save before proceeding with cancellation. At the time your subscription ends you will no longer have access to PRO features and the new web limit on your FREE account may cause many of your sites to be disconnected.
Feedback: Even if you are thinking about leaving our PRO plan, we would love to hear your opinion or the reasons behind your decision. Your feedback is very important to us and helps us to improve. So we would greatly appreciate if you could send us an email to to explain your reasons for leaving and if there is anything we can do to change your mind.
Updated on: 18/11/2024
Thank you!