Articles on: Web monitoring
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What is web performance analysis and how is it done

We know how important it is for you to have your website up to date and optimized. That's why, at Modular, we do an automatic performance check every 10 days on all the websites connected to the application. How do we do it? Through the Google Lighthouse API.

Where to find your analysis?

Head over to your website's dashboard in Modular and take a look at the statistics and performance widget. There, you'll have Google's key metrics for both mobile and desktop at your disposal, giving you a complete overview of how your site is performing.

Performance widget

You can also view the results in the main Modular dashboard if you use the list view.

Important: Only analysis results on mobile devices are shown here.

Modular list mode

And, of course, you can include these statistics in your client reports.

Do you want an instant analysis?

From the widget itself you can access Google PageSpeed to make an analysis of your website at this moment.

Updated on: 04/12/2024

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